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Preparing for the School Year: An Elite Guide to Last-Minute School Cleaning

As summer ends and the new school year approaches, ensuring your school is ready for the new academic year is critical. At Elite Touch Cleaning Services, we understand the importance of getting a clean start to the academic year. A clean environment sets a positive tone for students and staff and promotes health, safety and productivity. There isn’t much time, so we’ve created a back-to-school cleaning plan for facilities teams feeling the time crunch before the first bell. Read below for the top 5 things you can do to get your school ready on a tight schedule.

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Summer Safety: How Urgent Care Facilities Can Maintain a Hygienic Environment During Peak Patient Months

As summer rolls in, urgent care facilities often see a significant increase in patient visits. The summer months can be incredibly busy, from treating heat-related illnesses and injuries to providing back-to-school physicals and vaccinations. With the heightened foot traffic, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment becomes even more critical to ensure patient and staff safety and well-being. Here are some essential strategies that urgent care facilities can implement to uphold high standards of cleanliness during peak patient months.

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Summer Shine: Five Exterior Cleaning Tips To Make the Most of Your Common Areas

Now that the summer sun is beginning to brighten our days, it's the perfect time to ensure your commercial property is as welcoming and inviting as the season itself. At Elite Touch Cleaning Services, we understand that first impressions matter, and sprucing up your exteriors can significantly enhance your guests' experience. Here are essential exterior cleaning tips to ensure your property shines this summer.

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exterior business cleaning property makeover

Enhancing Curb Appeal: Property Makeover with Exterior Cleaning

When it comes to making a lasting impression on your customers and clients, the exterior of your commercial property speaks volumes. A clean and well-maintained exterior not only welcomes visitors but also conveys a sense of professionalism and pride in your business. At Elite Touch, we understand the importance of curb appeal, and we're here to help you transform your property into a showstopper with our expert exterior cleaning services.

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